Need a name for your pet? Call the Alaska State Troopers. They report they were happy to oblige when an animal shelter in Kentucky contacted them about a litter of puppies it wanted to celebrate. As a subsequent press release from the state agency spun the story, it was all about the uplifting aspects of the reality TV show “Alaska State Troopers.”
“Inspired by the show on the National Geographic channel,” the press release said, “the Humane Society of Nelson County in Bardstown, Ky., named six puppies after troopers, most of whom were featured on the show.”
Well, at least some of the puppies were named by the Humane Society. As it turns out, according to the very same press release from the state of Alaska, the "junior volunteers'' who decided to name a litter of blue heelers after Trooper show stars only knew the names of two troopers. “They promptly named the two males Trooper Dan Dahl and Trooper Howie Peterson,” the press release said. “The Trooper Dan puppy is mostly brown and aptly named after the only brown shirt of the brown shirt of the bunch.”